Lo struccante per occhi che vi propongo è la versione casalinga de lo struccante bi-fase ma sapendo in ogni momento cosa è quello che state usando, oltre al costo che non è cosa da sottovalutare.
Struccante occhi bi-fase:
Di cosa avete bisogno:
- Camomilla per infusione, potete usare quella sfusa o quella in bustine. Vi consiglio quella biologica già che ci siete.
- Olio di oliva extravergine
Come farlo:
Mettete la camomilla in infusione in acqua calda e lasciatela riposare per 20/30 minuti. Filtratelo ed aggiungete l'olio in proporzione 2 parti di camomilla per 1 di olio.
Aspettate che si raffreddi, et voilà, struccante pronto.
Dovete agitare bene prima del uso, e se lo tenete in un luogo oscuro si mantiene bene anche per 1 mese.
L'olio di oliva è nutriente ed idratante nonché delicato con la nostra pelle
La camomilla ha proprietà calmanti e decongestionanti.
Un consiglio, lasciate agire per un momento l'olio appoggiando il batuffolo di cottone con lo struccante sul la palpebra chiusa, in questo modo il mascara si ammorbidisce e risulta molto più facile rimuoverlo.
As you know, the skin around the eyes is the most delicate, is thin and flexible and needs special care. Also for make-up remove, because there is no question that you have to remove your make-up, right?. From all the products tested since I started to wear makeup (so far back in time) the ones I prefer are called bi-phase, ones that when you leave them rest you can see easily two different layers, a bit like when you put vinegar and oil together, and that for precisely almost always one of the two components is oily.
The make-up remover for eyes that I propose is the home version of the bi-phase makeup remover but knowing all the time what it is that you are using, in addition to the cost which is not something to be underestimated.
Eye makeup remover bi-phase:
What you need:
- Chamomile infusion, you can use that bulk or that in bags. I suggest the organic one .
- Extra virgin olive oil
How to do it:
Put the chamomile in hot water and let it rest in infusion for 20/30 minutes. Strain it and add the oil in proportion 2 parts of chamomile 1 part of oil.
Wait for it to cool, and voilà, makeup remover ready.
You have to shake well before use, and if you keep it in a dark place it keeps well for up to 1 month.
Olive oil is nourishing and moisturizing and gentle on our skin
Chamomile has soothing and calming.
A tip, leave for a moment the oil by placing the cotton swab with remover on the lid closed, so the mascara softens and is much easier to remove.
As you know, the skin around the eyes is the most delicate, is thin and flexible and needs special care. Also for make-up remove, because there is no question that you have to remove your make-up, right?. From all the products tested since I started to wear makeup (so far back in time) the ones I prefer are called bi-phase, ones that when you leave them rest you can see easily two different layers, a bit like when you put vinegar and oil together, and that for precisely almost always one of the two components is oily.
The make-up remover for eyes that I propose is the home version of the bi-phase makeup remover but knowing all the time what it is that you are using, in addition to the cost which is not something to be underestimated.
Eye makeup remover bi-phase:
What you need:
- Chamomile infusion, you can use that bulk or that in bags. I suggest the organic one .
- Extra virgin olive oil
How to do it:
Put the chamomile in hot water and let it rest in infusion for 20/30 minutes. Strain it and add the oil in proportion 2 parts of chamomile 1 part of oil.
Wait for it to cool, and voilà, makeup remover ready.
You have to shake well before use, and if you keep it in a dark place it keeps well for up to 1 month.
Olive oil is nourishing and moisturizing and gentle on our skin
Chamomile has soothing and calming.
A tip, leave for a moment the oil by placing the cotton swab with remover on the lid closed, so the mascara softens and is much easier to remove.
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